We guarantee that all of our items are authentic and offer a *100% refund, including return shipping, for any item called into question and proven to be inauthentic. NO replica items. We follow the letter of the law carefully, and do not sell any unauthentic or “replica” items. We carefully inspect all of our pieces before we accept them to ensure that we have only genuine designer items.
At ADORE, we want you to be thrilled with your purchases. We do our best to examine the condition of all pieces, and we do not use stock photography on our social media pages–all product photos show the exact item we are selling. We are also happy to answer any questions you may have about any items, including their exact sizing. We do know that it can be difficult to purchase things without the ability to try them on which is why we ask you to come in and try on things before you purchase over the phone. All sales are final
Our retail location is in the Raleigh-Durham area, in North Carolina. If you live in the Triangle, we can arrange for in-store pickup or delivery of your items. Please contact us by phone to arrange a time.
At ADORE, we recognize and respect the importance of maintaining the privacy of our customers. We do not sell, trade, disclose or give away any information we may have on any of customers, consignors or suppliers, nor do we send unsolicited email.
Your credit card information will be encrypted and processed by Authorize.Net, according to the highest industry standards of security and compliance.
ADORE is a designer consignment store. We sell gently used designer pieces at prices well below their new retail prices. When you buy used, you should be aware of the following:
All items are sold as-is.
Items may have flaws, such as small stains, marks, snags, scuffs, loose threads which we try and identify, explain, and photograph. Any significant issues will always be noted in the product description and photographs.
Unless indicated otherwise, all items are used and have previously been worn.
We guarantee that all our items are authentic, not counterfeits or replicas.
No warranty is expressed or implied regarding the usefulness or durability of any item.
*Our original tag, however, must still be attached to the item, exactly as it was received–if removed and reattached we are unable to accept the return.